Bee Removal in Chino Valley
Although bees are crucial to an enduring and balanced ecosystem, they can be a significant danger when they set up hives close to your home or business in Chino Valley. If you regularly see or hear bees at your location, chances are they are too close for comfort. A pest control inspection from Chino Exterminating professionals is the first step to safeguarding your Chino Valley property and the people on it from a potentially harmful bee infestation.
Bees On Your Property?
The distinctive hum of bees that are busy at work and the presence of hives or nests are obvious signs that bees have set up a colony on your property. Look for ground nesting colonies that have excavated small areas of dirt or soil near to the nest entrance. Tiny holes approximately 12mm in diameter or larger on a standing structure are the indications of the presence of carpenter bees. Bees that have taken up permanent residence within the walls of your home or business in Chino Valley require immediate attention.
Professional Bee Removal
Chino Exterminating is experienced with controlling and removing handling several species of bees including:
Bee Control is a Job for Professionals
In addition to potentially fatal bee stings, bees often nest in inconvenient locations and can cause significant property damage. An entire hive is predisposed to fiercely attack when the nest is threatened. Do not attempt to manage or remove a bee or hornet’s nest on your own.
Our licensed and trained pest management experts know exactly where to look to identify a bee colony that has invaded your Chino Valley home or commercial location and provide you with several customized methods for their eco-friendly removal.
Types of Bees We Remove
Bumble Bees
These innocent looking pests usually nest on the ground but can be found near patios, decks, attics or beneath roof beams. They are capable of pursuing a perceived hive invader for long distances. Of all bee types, Bumblebee stings are the most painful and cause extensive swelling.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are solitary and build nests for themselves and their offspring only. They are attracted to wood and will damage and chew into structures several inches deep to hold their eggs and food. Carpenter bees are capable of stinging repeatedly since their stingers are not barbed.
Killer Bees
These dangerous bees are known to attack in large numbers and pose a significant threat to those suffering with allergies. Although their venom is not considered more dangerous than other bees, the sheer volume of stings from a large colony can cause serious injury.
These honey manufactures live in large colonies that can survive for many years. They typically build their nests in tree crevices and occasionally in attics or chimneys. Their barbed stingers are immediately torn away after a single sting.
Never attempt to remove a beehive without professional assistance. Call the bee pest control experts in Chino Valley for assistance.